Thursday 14 June 2012

I spy with my little eye

The House on 92nd Street (1945)

Based on real events this film from director Henry Hathaway stars William Eythe, Llyod Nolan and Signe Hasso. With the help of a double agent the FBI look to round up a ring of German spies operating out of New York during WW2.

As with many a film based on real events this film takes it's inspiration from the capture of the Duquesne spy ring but inserts it's own fictional elements. The film is in the style of a semi documentary, it comes across as a recruiting tool for the FBI and a warning to the Soviets at the start of the cold war. Some of the boasts made by the film's narrator about the effectiveness of the FBI do fall short given we now know how well the Soviets penetrated the US during WW2.


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