Friday 6 May 2011

Everything that has a beginning...

The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

Four hours into the matrix experience and the end is now in sight with this final instalment in the trilogy. We left off on a cliff hanger, Neo's body and mind have become separated and the machines are closing in on Zion, so now it is time to resolve the story.

There is a fair amount of hate out there for the third film in the series but actually I think it works a lot better than Reloaded which really seemed to suffer from being part two of three. While again this film lacks the polish and conciseness of the original there are a lot less of the problems that bogged down the second film. One of the main complaints about the plot is that the ending lacks some closure and I certainly had that feeling when I first saw the film but did we really expect to be told what to think from writer/directors that have spent 3 films encouraging free thought?

The main set piece of the film is that of the machine attack on Zion and it is a real sight to behold, it is one of those things you just have to see on the big screen really. There is a visual feast that manages to stay clear of being too cluttered and confusing which seems to be a common pitfall now modern CGI lets film makers run into excess with their imaginations. Obviously most of the things this film does well it has in common with it's predecessors so I do not think I need to reiterate them all. In the end I do think this is a good conclusion to the series even if it is not necessarily the ending people wanted or are used to from epic hero trilogies.

4/5 not as bad as all the hate it gets.

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