Thursday 5 May 2011


The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

Following the success of the original film at least one sequel was always going to be inevitable and Hollywood loves a trilogy so all the gang are back for the two sequels that were shot back to back in Australia. Now in full command of his powers Neo has been kicking his heals trying to work out what the One is actually supposed to do, cue the action.

Sometimes when you have had a massive success it is best to just leave things along but there was plenty of scope for further exploration of the Matrix world and this film does a good job of fleshing out the world. What we find out is what we might have expected from some of the hints in the original film, being the One is not necessarily all it is cracked up to be. There is a greater exploration of the idea of free will in this film and in general it does a good job expanding the world. I especially like some of the subtle details such as the way the design of Zion reflects or inverts the design of the battery farms the machines use.

Sequels rarely surpass or even achieve the same levels as the films they are following and it is a shame to say that Reloaded does fall short of the excellent original film. To quote the film itself I think “the problem is choice”, with a bigger budget comes the ability to do so much more and while the action sequences are stunning, really taking the action to the next level, they have become over bearing. In my opinion too much of the film is taken up by action sequences that stretch out too long and often do not advance the plot greatly. What the film lacks is the overall polish and balance of the original, as well as the unbalancing nature of the action sequences there is also too much exposition by dialogue that does not have impressive visuals to accomplish it as in the first film.

4/5 still a very good film but comes up short of greatness.

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