Wednesday 2 March 2011

Snow jokes

Snow Day (2000)

This kids comedy film is about the glorious days when school is cancelled due to heavy snow fall and tells the story of what happens to the different members of one family on a snow day. Picking up an easy pay cheque are such people as Chevy Chase, Pan Grier and Iggy Pop.

While there are several threads to the story the main one is the oldest son trying to get with the hottest girl at school when surprise, surprise he should really be with his plain looking best friend. Another equally poor element is the mother is a workaholic and has to learn that her place is playing with the youngest son rather than getting silly ideas about working, who knew the 50s were over? What might have made an entertaining comedy is the daughters battle with the local snow plough man to try and stop his work so school is cancelled for a second day but sadly this is relegated to second place in the story and not especially fleshed out.

2/5 predictable and not really funny.

1 comment:

  1. I loved that movie as a kid. I was always so jealous. btw, I love the first line of the second paragraph, made me laugh :)
