Monday 17 January 2011

You wouldn't like me...

Planet Hulk (2010)

Marvel having been carving out a nice little empire for themselves by capitalising on their large stable of intellectual property in both live action films and animated direct to dvd releases such as this one. This is an adaptation of a comic book arc in which The Hulk has been expelled from earth because he has been deemed too much of a danger to the rest of humanity, when he finds out what has happened he trashes his space ship and ends up on a different one to his intended destination.

Landing on a planet with a dictator, a prophecy that needs fulfilling and enslaved as a gladiator you can probably work out what is going to happen with the plot. Despite the short run time it appears the fight scenes have been extended in some cases to pad out the film. The fight scenes themselves are fairly average and I am not sure if an animated fight sequence can ever have the impressive wow factor of a live action sequence anyway. My main worry beyond the weak plot is that we have no Bruce Banner, just his alter ego The Hulk. There seems to be little point to having just the monster if there is no internal conflict between the man and the monster inside. When you reduce your central character to one dimension and have a weak, predictable plot then things are not going to end well for you.

I am sure fans of the comic book bought this up but for most people this is one to leave alone 2/5

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