Saturday 4 December 2010


The Informant! (2009)

This corporate conspiracy thriller based on a true story takes the interesting direction of having a humorous tone to it and it works rather well. Price fixing in the corn market does not seem like a very interesting subject but the quirkiness of the protagonist and the light hearted comedy style of the film definitely make it rise above its subject matter. It also avoids any potential corny jokes.

Matt Damon carries the film really well which is important as the whole film hinges on his character as there is not a lot of personality to around the rest of the characters. I guess the film makers could have taken a darker route in exploring the subject matter but over all the light comedy style works out well as it would probably be very hard to get people to take the subject matter too seriously. It might have been better if there had been slightly more ambiguity over the nature of Damon's character at the end but other wise this is a very good film.

I give this a 4/5 and dub it the best film about the corn industry (it has many rivals).

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