Avengers: Age of Ultron
Written and directed
by Joss Whedon this film has a large cast including Robert Downey
Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johnasson and Mark
Ruffalo. After recovering Loki's sceptre Tony Stark can't help but
use it to try and create an AI which ends up back firing.
This is the epitome of
a fast food movie, the plot moves along at a breakneck pace with
relentless action and humour but is only ever fun not something with
a real soul. Maybe the film suffers from having a crowded cast but so
many ideas go undeveloped that it would have been better if this had
been a three hour film. There are the trappings of familiar sci-fi
ideas here but the fast pace of the film means that Ultron never
really gets explored with any depth.
As someone who has
stayed clear of nearly all the pre-release material there were plenty
of surprises and things for me to enjoy along the way. There are a at
least a couple of great moments and some interesting attempts to do
different things with the characters but the film also redundantly
repeats some of the “learning to be a team” elements of the first
film. I think the first Avengers film was a much cleaner effort and
while this film is enjoyable it offers little for the grey matter.
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