Barbie (2023)
Directed by Greta Gerwig this film based on the dolls of the same name stars Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling and America Ferrera. A disturbance in her mental well being leads Barbie to leave Barbieland and find the girl who is playing with her.
Enjoyable, weird, pointed, smart and funny there is a ton to enjoy in this film which is not surprising when it has Greta Gerwig behind it. I suppose the main criticism from some will be is this is too progressive and not enough of a children's film while for the rest of us maybe it is not progressive enough, I also thought there was a bit too much Ken for a Barbie film. In time I do not think this will hold up as the titan of feminism some are making it out to be, it is a massive step in the right direction and a lot of fun with some real heart too.