The Lost World:
Jurassic Park (1997)
Directed by Steven
Spielberg this sequel based on the novel of the same name stars Jeff
Goldbulm, Julianne Moore and Pete Postlethwaite. Four years after the
events of the first film dinosaurs have been living in peace on
another island until now.
A lot of this film
comes of as being a sequel made for the sake of having one, the final
T-rex attack on the main land for example being a prime example of a
superfluous addition for the sake of another action sequence. The
plot has some interesting elements as scientists and big game hunts
come to the island but any ideas of depth in the story are token
efforts. Mostly of the special effects are well done here although at
times it does seem the CGI has been pushed a little too far and it is
obvious in places.